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How to practice music therapy with your Handpan?

Comment pratiquer la musicothérapie avec son Handpan ?

Do buying a Handpan often goes hand in hand with the desire to use it to accompany meditation. The sound of the Handpan is known to be melodious and soothing. It has within it the ability to transport the mind into a deep meditative state.

However, not all Handpans are created equal. Some are more interesting than others to accompany meditation. This is particularly the case for Handpans tuned in D minor, proposed by Zénapan. We explain why and how to use your Handpan in music therapy.

The importance of music therapy

Music therapy is a newcomer to the field of non-invasive therapies. The role of brain music is increasingly being studied and research is bringing amazing results.

Thus, a study suggests that the musical stimulation make it possible to improve the velocity of walking, but also its cadence, its length, as well as its symmetry, in patients who are victims of a stroke (stroke).

The musical therapies are now known to improve the quality of life of those who participate. They reduce psychological and behavioral disorders, and greatly improve mood by reducing the effects of depression and anxiety, increasing self-confidence, emotional expression and communication.

Music therapy has become so promising that it is even today part of the programs of the largest universities.

Handpan and music therapy

Handpans are not all the same in sound. The musical structure of each instrument depends on the tuning made by the Handpan factor, and therefore on the selected note scale.

The Handpan being a diatonic musical instrument, it is the craftsman who chooses which notes of the chromatic scale will be present on the instrument. Therefore, some Handpans lend themselves more than others to deep, melancholy sounds.

These are the Handpans tuned in D minor and Handpans tuned in F minor. These two types of Handpan are particularly suitable for introspection and therefore for music therapy. Conversely, chords in E, or in B, offer more oriental scales, for example.

Or, des studies demonstrated that sad sounds were the most suitable for helping people get out of a depressed or anxious state. It is therefore important to choose the right Handpan, to make the most of the depth of its enchanting notes.

What rhythm to adopt with the Handpan?

Now that we have highlighted the importance of music for our psychological balance, and indicated which type of Handpan lends itself best to music therapy, let's talk about rhythm.

Here again, it is the scientists who enlighten us. The studies carried out by the researchers have made it possible to highlight the importance of rhythm in the neurological rehabilitation. What pace?

For scientists, the best rhythm is the one that meets the expectations of the listener. That is to say, to work best, the rhythmic must be "individualized", to use the exact term of the study.

Therefore, there is no one way to do musicotherapy, but as many as there are ears to listen to it. Buy a Handpan and let yourself be carried away by the expectations of your audience.


  • marie-laure

    Merci pour toutes ces précises et précieuses informations.

  • Vincent

    J’attend avec grande impatience l’arrivée de mon Handpan commander hier.

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